April 2024

The SYMPHONY project started on 04/04/2024 with a meeting hosted by the CNRS coordinator in Paris.

SYMPHONY is a Horizon Europe project entitled: “Intelligent systems for pollution detection and biogas production based on silicon photonic and microelectronic hyperspectral sensors connected to the cloud”.

external link to


August 2023

Different types of microfluidic chips designed for electroporation, which is a technique used to introduce DNA, RNA, or other molecules into cells using electric pulses. Microfluidic chips with inlets and outlets can provide controlled and efficient electroporation processes. Here are a few different flow electroporation chip designs with inlet and outlet ports:

October 2021

Day of photonics

For more information see links:


Day of Photonics microTEC:microTEC-4-DAY-OF-PHTONICS.pdf

Day of Photonics LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/19210016/admin/

Day of Photonics Twitter: https://twitter.com/DayPhotonics

Day of Photonics Website: https://day-of-photonics.org/

April 2021

Introducing the world‘s first 3D printed optical link

We are proud to provide the 3D printing technology for 130 million optical links annually for Silicon Line. Our partner Silicon Line was featured in this Business Focus article: https://lnkd.in/eDH4YSa


March 2021

With quantum technology progressing, diverse new application potentials are emerging.

For example, quantum sensors can be used to determine various types of physical parameters with previously unattainable accuracy.

microTEC invites you to discuss your ideas for the industrialization of quantum technologies with us. We develop miniaturization solutions for system integration based on our RMPD / 3D-CSP/ 3D printing processes.

As a partner with many years of experience in the field of funded BMBF and EU projects, we look forward to participating in quantum technology projects.

March 2019

Visit us in Berlin! Join the conference and exhibition on“Microelectronics for Industry 4.0” on March 21st – 22nd, 2019

Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, Smart-Items-Infrastructures: Learn more about the latest results on 3D-CSP based packaging and assembly solutions for production environments.

Listen to the presentation „Free form sensor technology for smart items infrastructure in production environments“, given by René Grünke, Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, on Thursday, 21st, at 5:30 pm. The project has been funded by the German BMBF.

Flyers available for download here:

March 2018


The 3rd annual MEMS Manufacturing Conference and Exhibition 2018 takes place on August 1-2, 2018 in Santa Clara, California USA. Come and visit us at our booth!


February 2018


The meeting takes place from February 1-2, 2018 at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California USA. The American Society for Precision Engineering’s Micro-Nano Technical Leadership Committee (ASPE MNTLC) is hosting the winter technical conference to review the current state-of-the-art in the application of precision engineering principals of deterministic engineering to micro and nanotechnologies.



September 2017

The RAIS workshop was held at the Casa Convalescència UAB Campus (map), Barcelona, Spain on 6th – 7thNovember 2017.

The aims of the Workshop were to:

  • Demonstrate and showcase the technologies developed in the RAIS project for photonic measurement of sepsis biomarkers
  • Interact with the user community and gather expert opinion in order to fine-tune the alignment of project aims and market needs
  • Interest potential partners (companies, research institutes) in the possibility of collaboration for commercial exploitation of the RAIS system

May 2016

Euronews coverage „Monitoring sea pollution“ about the EC Project BRAAVOO

microTEC is partner of the BRAAVOO Project which aims to develop innovative solutions for real-time in-situ measurement of high impact and difficult to measure marine pollutants. The concept of BRAAVOO is based on a unique combination of three types of biosensors, which will enable the detection of both a number of specific marine priority pollutants and also general biological effects that can be used for early warning.

Link to the euronews video „Monitoring Sea Pollution“:


February 2015

New EC Projects

microTEC is participating in two new health oriented EC research projects.

Self-amplified photonic biosensing platform for microRNA-based early diagnosis of diseases (SAPHELY)

The SAPHELY project aims at developing a compact and low-cost point-of-care (POC) device based on nanophotonic technology for its application to minimally-invasive early diagnosis, with initial focus in cancer. This POC device will significantly help to reduce the actual costs designated for early diagnosis and to implement mass screening programs, meaning a significant contribution to the improvement of the citizens’ health status and to the sustainability of healthcare systems.

Scalable, point-of-care and label free microarray platform for rapid detection of Sepsis (RAIS)

Microarrays are a powerful set of technologies which are widely used for the detection of pathogenic micro-organisms, proteins and Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequencing, among others. Most commercial equipment rely on large readers (also called scanners) and labelled detection, whereas most of the advanced research-level portable and label-free designs suffer from one of more drawbacks, including insufficient sensitivity and specificity, high cost and sophisticated implementation and reduced scalability (number of spots). The overall objective of this project is to develop a new point-of-care label-free microarray platform based on a proprietary interferometric lens-less microscopy design and validate it for quantifying levels of specific Sepsis’ biomarkers within 30 minutes.